How to Face Trials and Obstacles In Life

by - October 10, 2014

Oftentimes, we are bombarded with obstacles, one after another, causing us to lose hope.  Soon after, another obstacle is put our way. When this chain of events is repeated, day in and day out, it can be quite discouraging. At this moment in our lives, it seems as if these trials will never come to an end. Causing us to ask ourselves, "Why us?" and "When will this be over?" I'm here to tell you all the bad news, that it probably won't be over. Life is a series of obstacles that we must face in order to grow and learn. But changing our mindset can truly impact the way we see these obstacles.

The Holy Qur'an clearly states:
"Do men think that they will be left alone because they say, 'We believe,' and that they will not be tested? [Al-'Ankabut Chapter 29, Verse 3]

Allah knows how we feel about such events occurring. He knows the trials we go through and the feelings that come along with it. So don't think of yourself as 'alone' while going through these struggles. Years ago, people still faced such struggles, and I assure you that our struggles are nothing compared to theirs.

Whenever I'm going through a difficult time, I can't help but remember the courage our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him) had:

This is a true representation of courage and strength. Now ask yourself, is your struggle anything compared to this? I can assure you (well at least I hope) that it isn't. We constantly forget that: "Allah burdens not any soul beyond its capacity" [Holy Qur'an, Chapter 2, Verse 287]. So whatever you're going through, Allah knows that you will get through it. 

We constantly want to know where Allah is, and when His help will arrive. But always remember that, "Surely, the help of Allah is near," [Holy Qur'an, Chapter 2, Verse 215]. Just as a teacher is silent during a test, Allah (being our Teacher), is quiet during these tests which make up our life.

Never give up and have patience! Realize that Allah is closer to you than you realize. Although He may not answer your prayers at this very moment, He knows what He's doing, better than any of us! So hold on tight, and don't give up! 

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