Balancing Marriage As A Student - Tips & Tricks

by - April 24, 2018

University or college education is not an easy endeavour. The many readings, difficult assignments, countless exams, and lengthy class schedules can make it a very stressful and challenging experience. But when you add marriage into the mix your responsibilities only increase drastically. The time you would have spent on assignments and studying prior to marriage must now also be allocated towards running a home and strengthening a relationship.

For those of you who don't know, I got engaged at the start of my 3rd year in my undergraduate program, and married in the summer before the start of my 4th year. And so, my 1st year of marriage was spent enrolled in full-time studies to complete my 4th and final year of my undergrad, while married and living alone with my husband. I assure you, the thought of this really stressed me out in the months leading up to my wedding. If you are in the same boat as me, I can promise you that it will not be easy, but it is definitely manageable! This post is a compilation of the challenges I faced, how I overcame them, and my suggestions for how you can manage all of your responsibilities as a wife and as a student.

As a student, you know the time constraints and pressures with deadlines and schedules. It may already feel impossible to fit studying and assignments into your day alongside attending classes and having a social life - and thus, the thought of adding another huge responsibility (i.e. marriage) into the mix may overwhelm you. Totally fair! Time management is definitely key when it comes to successfully meeting your responsibilities! This is the only way you can meet your academic demands and needs, spend time with your spouse, manage your house, and make time for yourself!

a) Weekly Schedule
Use an agenda or planning method that works for you, to create a weekly schedule taking into account your class schedule, other responsibilities, and your husband's schedule! It really helps to get into the swing of things when you dedicate certain days to getting specific things done. If you do not do this from day one, you will easily get overwhelmed! This is the weekly schedule I had for myself in regards to the bigger responsibilities!

  • Saturday - Plan Weekly Menu, Grocery, Errands, Load Laundry, (Usually a Mosque Event)
  • Sunday - Meal Prep Lunches, Sort things out for the week, Spend time with my husband
  • Monday - University, Work on Assignments/Readings/Modules, Cook Dinner
  • Tuesday - University, Work on Assignments/Readings/Modules
  • Wednesday - Deep Clean, Put Away Laundry, Cook Dinner
  • Thursday - University, Work on Assignments/Readings/Modules
  • Friday - Friday Prayer, Assignments/Readings/Modules, Cook Dinner

This schedule was truly a life saver! It ensured that I was always on track with weekly lunches, laundry, cooking, assignments, and cleaning! In weeks that I swayed away from this schedule due to midterms or exams, I could feel the tasks piling up and it would really distract me from studying.

b) Daily Schedule
As someone who feels the need to clean every single day and prefers to not eat out often, a daily schedule alongside a weekly schedule ensured that I was making the most of the day! This consisted of an hour by hour breakdown of my day ensuring I would make time for my home, university, myself, and my husband. On weekdays it looked something like this:

  • 8am - noon - breakfast, clean kitchen and bedroom, pick things up around the house, pack our lunches, get ready, go to university
  • Noon - 7pm - attend classes, work on assignments, come home
  • Evenings - make dinner, spend time with husband, spend 1 hour on a university task

I honestly can't stress enough how important time management is for ensuring you do not become stressed out! Don't allow yourself to get overwhelmed with everything you have to get done. It is okay to take breaks and spend time on yourself but try to have designated days for key tasks and follow some sort of routine!

  1. COURSE LOAD: I was very lucky to have two days of the week off, due to lots of preplanning. Throughout my undergrad, I always took courses during the summer breaks. Leading up to wedding, I took two additional courses! This meant that during my 4th year, I only had 8 courses instead of 10! Truly a life saver!
  2. ONLINE COURSES: Each term, I chose to take a course online that was either a mandatory course or a course that contributed to my minor. With this, I was able to watch the modules at home instead of the time it would have taken to commute to and from university, giving me more time during the day! This is another reason I was able to have two of fives days off in Term 1, and three of five days off in Term 2!
  3. MEAL PLANNING: Before you go grocery shopping every weekend, plan out your meals for every day of the week! This way you can ensure you have the ingredients at home and won't spend every morning wondering what you'll cook when you get home!
  4. FREEZE FOOD: Your freezer can honestly become your best friend when it comes to cooked meals! Typically on days I was cooking dinner (3-4 times a week), I would cook enough for the next days dinner, and a yogurt sized box to freeze for another day. This way, on days when I knew we would be getting home late, I would leave the food out to thaw, and we could come home and quickly heat it in a pan, and eat! 
  5. MEAL PREPPING: If you take 1-2 hours on the weekend to prepare your lunches for the week, you will save so much time every morning! The last thing you will have to think of is preparing a lunch for your husband and yourself! Baking some vegetables and chicken, a salad, rice, pasta, or wraps, are all great meals you can keep in your fridge for 3-5 days and pop into your lunch every morning!
  6. GET HELP: I can't stress this enough! I myself am guilty of being the girl who hates asking for help and wants to do everything herself. But whether it's your husband, your parents, or your in-laws, don't be afraid to ask for help! I am so grateful for a husband who would help me with dinner on days I was studying, help me with meal prepping and grocery shopping, and never made me feel bad for not cooking or cleaning for a few days! On days we would finish from university and work late, we would drop by my parents house for dinner and no one made me feel bad about it - truly a blessing! 
While managing your house, marriage, and studies, always make time for yourself! Self-care could consist of exercising, watching TV, reading a book, etc., - regardless of what it may be, just remember, you deserve it! Remember to schedule, schedule, schedule!

After stating all that, I do wish to end on a positive note! Being married while in University has its perks as well.

A loving and meaningful relationship can really reduce your emotional stress. You have a support system and motivator cheering you on through the stressful situations or tiring days. If you're working on an assignment, you have someone to bounce ideas off of and get feedback from! This on its own is truly a blessing - a 24/7 support system! Personally, I loved our drives home in the evening together. After a tiring day at university, it was definitely something I looked forward to!

Yes, the responsibilities of being both married and studying are difficult to balance. However, it is possible to overcome these challenges by using your time management skills to schedule all aspects of your life! Determine how to best manage your home, your studies, your spiritual life, and your marriage, and do what works best for you! After all, the first year of your marriage is already a difficult one as it is. It's the year where you are getting to know each other and getting over all the hurdles that newly weds face. Personally, I am grateful for having spent my first year in my married life while being in University. It was as though I didn't just completely switch from being an unmarried student, to a working married woman. I got to keep a piece of my student-life there with me, which made the entire transition less foreign! 

Just remember, whatever happens, you will manage it well! If this post helps to lighten your worries or mentally prepare you even just a little - it will have served its purpose! And of course, whatever you do, and whatever challenges you face, always keep prayers at the forefront! 

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  1. exactly what i did in my childhood i had this habit of making time sheet but i will follow these instructions in future also JazakAllah for sharing

  2. thanks for sharing it the ways it tells to avoid the stresfull situation its quite impressive
