Be Grateful To Allah For Blessing You With Today

by - February 14, 2015

Being grateful is an essential part of living a happy life. I believe that being grateful opens up so many new doors and opportunities for us to further be grateful for. Unfortunately, many of us have fallen into the trap of Satan, who said to Allah, "Then I will surely come upon them from before them and from behind them and from their right and from their left, and Thou wilt not find most of them to be grateful" [Holy Qur'an Ch7:18]. Are we going to allow Satan to turn us away from Allah? We have gotten so busy with the material things of this world, that we forget to thank the Creator and Provider of these things. Look around you, I can tell you right now that there's plenty to be thankful for at this very moment. There's a roof over your head, food in your fridge, family around you, good health, a job to go to, and so much more! The mere fact that you were able to wake up this morning is in itself a complete blessing taken for granted. However, we should learn to show gratitude to Allah for blessing us with each of these gifts, and realize that these blessings are not a result of our efforts alone.

"If I only..." a common phrase said to compensate for not having to show appreciation. "If I only had a better house, I would be more grateful", "If I only had a better job, I would be more grateful". But what is gratefulness, if we need something of better quality to show it? The Prophet [ﷺ] said:
"Look at those who are less fortunate than yourselves, not those who are better off than yourselves, so you will not belittle the graces of Allah" [Narrated Abu Hurairah, Saheeh al-Bukhari, No. 6509]. If you honestly believe that there's nothing in your life to be thankful for, you're not thinking hard enough. Having access to an electronic device to be reading this on, is in itself, a blessing. When you begin to recognize these blessings in your life, you will see that you have more to be thankful for than you think.
We all go through obstacles in our lives that seem unfair, and never ending. However, you must realize that everyone experiences obstacles in their lives. Allah puts forth various different challenges for everyone. Your challenge may seem more difficult than someone else's, however you don't know the strength of the other person. With every obstacle you face, there's something to learn. "And He gives you all that you ask for. But if you count the favours of Allah, never will you be able to number them. Verily, man is given up to injustice and ingratitude" [Holy Qur'an Ch14:35]. Just remember that everything happens for a reason. Allah may have brought you through an obstacle to make you realize something that you wouldn't have realized any other way.

Oftentimes, we take life for granted. We think of moments with our families, friends, etc. as a right, and not a privilege. Allah has blessed us with every second of this day for a reason. He believed that we deserved to live an additional second; an additional day. So why should we waste it? I grew up hearing, 'Live every moment as if it's your last', and believed it to be a complete cliche. But when you hear of tragic incidences of young people losing their lives, you realize that this moment can easily be your last. You don't know when your life will come to an end, so appreciate these moments and live them to the fullest. When we become thankful, only then will our hearts be free from envy, greed and jealousy. Being thankful to Him, will be a constant reminder of His Mercy towards us, allowing us to be more humble.

Let us strive to be those individuals who keep our hearts soft with His praise and His remembrance, Ameen!

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