6 Things Every Muslim Girl Needs to Know Before Getting Married

by - December 06, 2017

What we expect from marriage can sometimes be far from the reality of what marriage truly has to offer. Through the social media that surrounds us, whether that be Instagram, YouTube, etc., marriage and the hard work that it takes can easily be portrayed as something much less complicated. Moreover, being married can sometimes be glamorized in the most unrealistic ways. This is why I believe it's important to present to you, 6 Things That Every Muslim Girl Needs to Know Before Getting Married!

1) Happiness:
The most important thing for you to remember is that getting married will not be the ultimate source of your happiness! If you are getting married with the expectation that your husband will lead you on a road of happiness, then you are setting yourself up for a sad awakening of unfulfilled longings. Don't expect that if you are currently unhappy and miserable, getting married will make you the happiest girl in the world.

Now, this is not to say that your husband can't be a means of you attaining your happiness!

Ultimately, as a Muslim you must remember, that only Allah can be your true source of happiness! Do not distance yourself from Allah and expect that you can get closer to your husband. Make the time to pray together and improve your connection with Allah. Only this can generate the happiness that you long for!

2) Habits:
Prior to marriage you may have a few habits or a lifestyle that you know you would never want to take with you into marriage. For example, you may eat unhealthy and say, "When I get married, I'm never going to eat unhealthy!" or your room may always be a mess so you may say, "When I get married, my house will always stay clean!". You must remember that you will not be able to change these habits right after marriage. It is very difficult to rid yourself of habits that have taken years to develop! Perhaps you will try to eat healthy and keep the house clean for the first week or two of marriage, but this will not last long. Instead, look at yourself now, prior to marriage, and begin working on these things you wish to change.

This is not only limited to habits, but can also be extended towards character traits you may have. Perhaps you get angry or jealous over little things. Do not expect that you will no longer possess these traits as a married woman, because in reality these habits will transfer over into your marriage! Hence why it is vital that you improve your character early on, so that these traits do not become a cause of concern in your married life.

3) Domestic Skills:
Let me be real with you, cooking, cleaning and budgeting abilities will be a huge help when it comes to your transition into marriage! I know, some of you girls who have grown up in the West will call this a load of nonsense, but it's the truth! This is not to say that your husband and/or in-laws should expect you to cook up a three-course meal every night. But you should be able to cook something semi-descent for your husband to eat without getting food poisoning. Perhaps even something slightly better.

4) Independent Woman:
Many young girls have an independent woman mindset, with this "I don't need anybody" way of thinking. But let me tell you, this mindset does not work in marriage! If you want to build your career, that's great and your husband should support you. But that is not what I mean when I say independent woman mindset. This mindset consists of you coming home and leaving the house at any hour of the day you please, and responding with "You can't tell me what to do!" if he shows any sign of disapproval (because let's be real, he kind of can).

When married, you are no longer able to do anything and everything you wish to do as if you were single. Marriage is all about compromise...50/50...meeting halfway! No one partner can expect to do whatever he/she wishes without this becoming a cause of trouble in the marriage.

AND, you CAN be a successful woman without needing to be a 100% independent woman!

5) Intimacy:
Although this is a topic that is kept on the down-low in many cultures, I believe it is something that should be briefly touched upon. Before your wedding, take some time to understand what is and isn't acceptable between a husband and wife within the rulings of Islam. Do some research from Islamic sources so you do not have any misinformation about what is and isn't appropriate.

With this in mind, I think it's important for you to get an overall better understanding of the responsibilities of being a wife in Islam (as well as the responsibilities of a husband).

6) Forgiveness:
Lastly, the most important thing to keep in mind is that marriage is the union of two very good forgivers! You are two imperfect human beings who are coming together. You are bound to clash! If you build resentment over every little thing that bothers you, you will get to a point where this lack of forgiveness will cause you to snap. This is why it is very important to address situations when both partners have cooled off, and forgive each other at the end of it. Do not hold grudges!

Remember, while living under the same roof as your parents and siblings, you still got into arguments growing up. But, at the end of the day, you are still family who because you forgave each other! You did not let those arguments turn into life long grudges.

Marriage is the same way (with both your partner, and your in-laws).

Anyways, those are just some of the points that I believe every girl should keep in mind prior to marriage. Marriage is not easy in any way, but little adjustments in your way of thinking and habits can definitely make it go a little smoother! Despite everything I have written above, marriage is truly an amazing union that can lead to many blessings in the couples lives.

May Allah enable us all to be the best of women, the best of mothers, and the best of wives, Ameen!

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  1. Not even hitched yet, but JazakAllah for this blog. The advice which you have provided is really good, which I agree is vital to understand before getting into marriage and having a healthy marriage life. As some of these things are often overlooked in society today.
    Ameen, may allah indeed enable us to be good women.

    1. Jazak'Allah for reading, and for your feedback!!

      Ameen & Insha'Allah

    2. This is a nice post. Quite informative. I used u to have the habit of Why does he keep complaining about my being out, till i understood. I
      Backgrounds also matter, some of us where we were freer

  2. Nice MaShaAllah! As for me, it couldn’t have been better! I agree with you in all your points. Well - written!

    Just a small side-note. After number 5 its usually 6 not 7 :)))

  3. Jazak'Allah sister. May more of us learn from your advice and example.

  4. Just some humble advice. Some men may not really know what women expect from them in a marriage. Perhaps a blog of what a women should expect from her husband so the men can uphold their responsibility in the best fashion as well.

    1. That sounds like a great idea, I'll see what I can come up with, Jazak'Allah for your suggestion!

  5. Asalaamualaikum. We should remember that it is permissible for women to work only if there is a need (not just because you want to), and if the place of work is halal i.e. no free mixing, freedom to cover properly etc. Otherwise it is better for women to stay at home.

    1. Walaikum Assalam, yes it should definitely be remember that she needs to ensure her career does not at all interfere with her first priority which should be her family, and fulfilling that obligation!

      Jazak'Allah for reading!

  6. Ma sha Allah... Allah has given you tremendous way of explaing with pen so beautifully .. I love ur blog .. and what ever you have written I will surely practise it soon because M on my way to get married soon ..In sha Allah .. Jazakillah mate ♡

    1. Aw that's sweet, JazakAllah :) Good luck with everything!
