Everything Happens For A Reason

by - April 21, 2014

Throughout my life and experiences so far, my belief in Allah has drastically increased. With this increase in the belief of Allah has come a greater belief and trust in His e n. I understand that sometimes life can throw so much at us, that it can be quite difficult to see the positives of the situation. We become so blind sighted by everything going wrong, that we fail to see everything that's going right. Take a moment to reflect back on your life so far. Could you ever have imagined that you would be where you are in life right now? I've learned that Allah has a miraculous way of making everything fall swiftly into place. 'Everything happens for a reason', has slowly become a daily reassurance I give myself when anything goes wrong. It allows me to reflect on all the positives of a situation, rather then the negatives.

Let me give you a few examples:
Getting a bad mark on a test or assignment: Something all of us can relate to having been through at a certain point in our lives. Most of the time we get so caught up in the mark written on the corner of the paper that we lose all thankfulness to Allah. Instead, we should think of it as an opportunity from Allah to do even better the second time around, or on the next assignment/test. It may be an opportunity from Allah to learn something, like how to prioritize and be more productive with our time. 

Now let's think of a different situation. What about getting lost while driving to an important event - oh and your car breaks down. Pretty frustrating, huh? Once again, we lose all gratefulness to Allah because we are so caught up in being lost - in a car that decides to break down - and not getting somewhere on time. But what about the positives? Perhaps Allah just saved us from a drunk driver on the road, where we could have been at that very moment if we hadn't gotten lost. He may have just saved our life but we're too busy to see it.

What i'm trying to say is that everything does indeed happen for a reason. Allah has plans that are far better than ours. Trust me, He knows what He's doing. We cannot show thankfulness only when things go our way and show ungratefulness when things do not. Just remember all the good of the situation instead of focussing on the bad. This will not only make you a happier and more grateful person, but will also bring you closer to Allah.

Say Alhamdulillah, in the good and the bad.
May Allah enable all of us to show patience and see the brighter side of situations, Ameen!

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  1. Thanks a lot , its very help me to see more clearly

  2. This is really motivating.. I have been going thru a lot of tough times and this really helped
