Wasting food is a sin in Islam. Sadly, during Ramadan more than ever, people are seen wasting food. Whether this be by preparing a new meal everyday, to avoid eating leftovers for Iftar. Or having grand meals at Iftar, the majority of which make their way into garbage bins. Ramadan is a time to refrain from sin, yet unknowingly many of us are guilty of committing this sin.
One-third of the total food bought in many developed countries ends up in the waste.
Anas bin Malik reported that when the Prophet (pbuh) finished eating, he would lick his three fingers. He would say, "If a morsel of one of you falls down then he must clean it remove the injurious, and eat it and leave it not for the devil." He commanded us to lick the plate clean, saying, "You cannot imagine in which portion of your meal blessing lies." (Tirmidhi)
Islam is a religion which tells us to avoid exceeding our limits and wanting more than we need. When we relate this to overeating and eating more than we need, it can negatively effect us.
By thinking it's a norm to spend money and follow society, it can be quite wasteful of our wealth. When in reality, the permissible limit of expenditure is not the same for everyone in a given society. You may copy others in the extent at which they prepare their meals, when in reality they may not be exceeding their limits, whereas according to your income etc., this could cause you to exceed yours.
Overeating (exceeding our limits) in eating is known to be harmful for our health, leading to many health problems, illnesses and diseases.
When you make it a habit to waste the reasources that you've been blessed with, you're naturally inclined towards destruction. By always wanting more than you have, you are destroying your bond with Allah (by being inappreciative of Him), and you may also spend more than you have, leading to poverty.
I pray that we are all able to make it a habit to be thankful for all that we've been blessed with, and follow the example of the Holy Prophet (pbuh), Ameen!
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