30 Days of Knowledge (Basic and Advance Calendars) #MiraclesOfRamadan

by - June 27, 2014

As Ramadan approaches, I'm sure many of you have already decided of all the good you wish to accomplish during this month. Whether that be finishing the Qur'an, doing good deeds and staying away from bad, being regular in prayers, or memorizing a bunch of Surah's. However, I also know that a lot of times we think that we have a lot of time during Ramadan to get all of this accomplished, forgetting that 30 days isn't a lot of time. So, for your ease I've created two calendars: Basic and Advance.

The basic calendar consists of Prayers, Ahadith, Stories, Attributes of Allah, History of Islam and more. It is made for the younger kids who may not be able to finish the Qur'an during the month of Ramadan, but you still want them to get the most out of this Ramadan. It can be downloaded by clicking here.

The advance calendar consists of longer Surah's and Books for those who intend to finish the Qur'an this month, but still wish to gain lots of extra knowledge during this month. It can be downloaded by clicking here.

I pray that Allah enables all of us to take the most out of this month and spend our time in the remembrance of Allah, Ameen! Ramadan Mubarak!

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  1. Wow this is really cool! Jazak'Allah for these... will definitely be trying the advance calendar out. Have you thought of sharing this idea with the Lajna Tarbiyyat department? Maybe they could spread the word around about this so other women can also benefit.

  2. Cannot download advanced. Link opens and the slow download button results in "invalid download link"

  3. Jazakallah sister. This is truly great. Just saw today - will insha Allah try to follow the basic one the rest of the month
